Help employees maintain work-life balance

Support employees to participate in free time activities together, with their family and friends.

Two scenes - one work and one family time - resting in balance on a two-armed scale.
A group of people sitting on a sofa and next to it on the floor while having a meaningful conversation.

Support free time activities

Create the opportunity for employees to participate in entertaining gatherings to help them spend quality time with their colleagues, family and friends.

Our social interactions highly impact mental and physical heath. Supporting employees’ social life’ll make them happy and healthy.

Bring ideas to life

Meestory will help ad-hoc ideas to be realized and it’ll facilitate small event organization.

Think about it. How many times you wish to do a free time activity like a quick foosball game or to have a delicious lunch at the nearby bistro but you don’t give it a chance to be realised. With Meestory you just have to share the event and it will find companions in minutes.

Everyone working together to make an idea a reality.
A community is growing at a workplace that is symbolized by a light bulb as a plant.

Balance with Meestory

Meestory has many features that helps people to meet their social needs to maintain work-life balance.

It makes organization so easy that every idea can be realized by anyone. Shared experiences and positive feedback boost mental health of participants.

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A good community with stable social net can drastically improve productivity through innovation, real cooperation and individual performance.

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Low stress environment

Work-life balance helps lower stress levels that creates a stable, creative and inspiring environment to help people focus on their work.

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Loyalty & Accountability

People appreciate stability, good work atmosphere and helpful coworkers. These deepens loyalty and drives accountability.

Start using Meestory today

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