Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find our answers on FAQs about Meestory bellow. If you have any other question, just contact us.

How it works?

Who can announce an event?

In Meestory anybody can announce a new event, no matter of his/her position. You can freely create a free time occasion like you would do with your friends.

Who will see or get notified about my events?

You can choose public or unlisted visibility when announcing an event. When choosing public visibility, Meestory will notify some of other members based on the tags in the event's description. Along with the intelligent notifications every member will be able to find the event. Although for unlisted events the system won't send any notifications and it won't be listed in the search, but you can share it with a link.

What is the difference between an idea, and an event?

Creating an idea will help you build a community around an activity. Anybody can organize an event from the idea, not only the original poster. Generally speaking, an idea is a tool to help you introduce a new activity to the workplace with all the features you will need. Including potential date voting and subscriptions with all of its smart notifications.

Why is it important to subscribe to hashtags, ideas or to follow others?

We believe in privacy, so we do not create psychological profiles of our users, so they have full control over their notifications. To get relevant notifications and suggestions you need pick up at least a few interests.

Am I allowed to bring my friends or family?

Meestory is a free time activity organization platform. As a rule of thumb, you can treat it as you would do with your friends. So yes, you're allowed to bring guests, but always make sure the organizer and the location allows you to bring guests. At your event application you can indicate that you will bring guests.

How do I manage recurring events?

In our experience, recurring events often break the usual pattern. Thus, we decided to take a different approach. An organizer can simply reorganize an event by picking a new time for it using our "reorganize" feature. It will be an identical copy as you would expect, except the date. In case you need to change something, you can choose to use the original event as a template. This approach allows us to intelligently send notifications to previous participants.

How can I change the time or place of my event?

You probably noticed that there is no option to do this in the app. This is not a missing feature, we intended that to be impossible. Many events fail due to time or location conciliation or changes. We want to prevent this phenomenon by simply taking the responsibility to disallow this for our users. We know that sometimes it is inevitable to change it, so as a workaround you can reorganize the event and cancel the previous one. This will notify all your previous applicants, so they can apply to the new one if they are still looking to attend.

How Meestory is different?

"We're good with email/chat." How can Meestory help?

People treat standard communication channels (like email or work chat) as tasks to do. In a negative sense. On the other hand it is a much harder task to start organizing an event in email/chat than with Meestory. You need to select all the recipients and to convince them to attend while Meestory will find who is interested and automatically notify them with its intelligent notification system.

"Calendar works for us." What could Meestory do better than that?

Meestory has multiple features that help organize an event not only the scheduling. It provides a functional chat room for each event along with attendee management, customizable rules, external members and much more. We know you like managing your schedule in one place, so we have a universal calendar integration to sync your events to your calendar app.

"We have group on Facebook." Why Meestory?

When you use a "free" social media platform, you pay with your attention and data. This means they goal is to keep you online and sell your attention to advertisers. In contrast, Meestory is paid, so we don't sell data or your attention. On the contrary, we optimize our user experience to require less in-app-time and produce more experiences in real-life. Another difference is in the way event organization works. Our goal is to lower the effort needed to bring people together, while we try to raise the motivation to do it by positive feedback, personalized suggestions, ideas and other features.

Why Meestory is a win-win-win product?

We're transparent, we don't want to hide our business model. In our model everybody wins. Users (employees) have the choice to participate in free-time activities and be part of a self-building community. Employers can enjoy the benefits of a cohesive, performant, motivated, happy and engaged workforce that attracts more talents and reduces hiring, onboarding and training costs. We charge the employer a fair amount for providing the service to their employees.

How do we handle data at Meestory?

We believe that privacy is important. Thus, we don't sell user data to advertisers or 3rd parties. Not even to our customers, the employers. Meestory is a free-time product, so all your data remains yours, and only a small amount of curated or aggregated data is made available for the employer.

How to get Meestory?

Who can order the service?

We have a B2B (Business to business) model, so the short answer is that companies, organizations or other legal entities. On the other hand, we're open for other communities. In general, if you're interested please contact us, and we will do our best to make it available for you.

Where is the service available?

We're a company based in Hungary (Europe). At the moment we're supporting only a few EU countries. For the details, visit our pricing page. Please note that other countries may also be supported, for details, please contact us.

What can I do as an employee if I want to try it at my workplace?

In the case you're not authorized to make a contract with us, you can easily initiate the process. The first option is that you speak with your principals and ask them to request a free trial from us. The second option is to contact us, and we'll contact your company to offer our services. The third option is that we provide a temporary environment for a test period where legally your company is not involved. (Please note that the last option inevitably results in data deletion regardless of a later contract with your company.)

Get in touch!

Have a question about Meestory?
Would you like to get a demo and try the platform?
Do you need a custom quotation?
Write us and we will get back to you soon.


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